Software Tutorials
MINEDW Tutorial (Part 4: Meshing)
In this tutorial we will go over meshing, from the creation of a 2D mesh and how to import it to MINEDW, to the inclusion of topography, layers, and pinch-outs to different areas of interest in the model.
FLAC3D 7 0 Cutting Tool Tutorial
This tutorial will show how to use the Plot Item Cutting Tool in FLAC3D 7. Creating cut plans is useful for seeing inside 3D model plots. FLAC3D cutting planes include a single-surface plane, a double-surface wedge, and a three-surface octant.
Tunnel Pulse with Quiet Boundaries
A pressure pulse is being applied to the tunnel boundary with a frequency of 4 Hz over tens of milliseconds. Quiet (i.e., viscous) boundaries have been applied to all but the top of the model, which remains a free surface.
Technical Papers
A DFN–DEM Multi‑scale Modeling Approach for Simulating Tunnel Excavation Response in Jointed Rock Masses
Based on the concept of the representative elementary volume (REV) and the synthetic rock mass (SRM) modeling technique, a DFN–DEM multi-scale modeling approach is proposed for modeling excavation responses in jointed rock masses. Based on the DFN models of various scales, equivalent rock mass properties are obtained using 3DEC SRM models. A tunnel excavation simulation using data from the Äspö TAS08 tunnel is conducted to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed multi-scale modeling approach.
Three-dimensional Modeling and Stress Calibration for a Complex Mining Geometry
Study stress situation for potential continued mining towards greater depths; stress calibration against stress measurements using numerical modeling; and use of calibrated model to study stresses at existing infrastructure, study stresses at potential future haulage level locations, and as input to local models.
Depressurising an Underground Ore Body at the McArthur River Mine in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada
Pre-mining depressurising of a deep ore body at the McArthur River mine in northern Saskatchewan was considered to decrease the risk associated with mining near 5 MPa water pressure and increasing the amount of ore that can be extracted.